Saturday 13 September 2008

Poor old Gordon!!!!

Poor old Gordon!!!!

Daily Mail
13 Sep 2008

Friday 12 September 2008

Monday 8 September 2008

But GO he most certainly will.

Will he go now or will he not.

Daily Mail
08 Sep 2008

Saturday 6 September 2008

Brown : "Economy is Better Placed to Weather the Global Storm"

Gordon is simply not in touch with reality. He has just told a business crowd that this is the "first financial crisis of the new global age".

So the technology stock crash in 2000/1 was not worldwide? Didn't the 1997/8 Asian economic crisis and LTCM collapse have global repercussions, the ERM crisis in 1992 had currency volatility everywhere, Black Monday in 1987 was scary, the Latin American debt crisis in 80s... we have had them all the way back to 1929. All were global financial crises.

Gordon says the economy has "underlying strength", which must be why August saw the lowest new car sales since Bobby Charlton lifted the World Cup. Oh, almost forgot: the Prime Mentalist is getting on with the job and making long term decisions as well.


Unions tell Brown he’s a loser for dumping millions into recession

Daily Express Weekend
06 Sep 2008

Time for Gordon to Leave?

Gordon is simply not in touch with reality. He has just told a business crowd that this is the "first financial crisis of the new global age".

Sothe technology stock crash in 2000/1 was not worldwide? Didn't the1997/8 Asian economic crisis and LTCM collapse have globalrepercussions, the ERM crisis in 1992 had currency volatilityeverywhere, Black Monday in 1987 was scary, the Latin American debtcrisis in 80s... we have had them all the way back to 1929. All were global financial crises.

Gordon says the economy has "underlying strength", which must be why August saw the lowest new car sales since Bobby Charlton lifted the World Cup. Oh, almost forgot: the Prime Mentalist is getting on with the job and making long term decisions as well.

The Independent
06 Sep 2008

Evening Standard (West End Final), 04 Sep 2008. Pages 8 - 9


Evening Standard (West End Final)
04 Sep 2008

The Guardian, 06 Sep 2008. Pages 14 - 15

The Guardian
06 Sep 2008

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Is Brown Bonkers?

It is time to bring the question out into the open: is the Prime Minister of sane mind?

Going right back to the Blair charge that he was "psychologically flawed" this question has periodically arisen. Whereas in the past people made a joke of it, now the issue is becoming a genuine concern. Labour MPs discuss it semi-openly and political journalists report evidence of hysterical rants, the rages, the odd behaviour. The question comes up in private conversations all the time. Guido has heard it seriously suggested that Gordon suffers from "high functioning Aspergers".

It is becoming harder to cover it up whatever it is - some interviews border on totally loony - the repetitive mantras, the uncorrelated bizarre smiles, the complete inability to empathise. When Kay Burley asked him this week would he still have the PM's job at Christmas his reply was "Of course, because we have got to get on with the job... We have got to get on with the job. People want us to get on with the job. Getting on with the job is the most important thing at the moment." He snapped at the Mail on Sunday "I’m happy to talk to you because you are here... I have given you special time. That is very good of me. You are very fortunate."

He told smirking political correspondents on the flight to Beijing that he was going to win the next election, he tells confidantes that he believes the economy will turn around in a few months. We are told to expect an economic plan to turn things around - a plan which the Treasury is openly briefing it knows nothing about. He is clearly becoming increasingly disconnected from reality.

It is low politics to hurl cheap abuse at opponents, but this is not borne of malice towards Brown, Guido feels like the boy who pointed at the naked emperor and said what everyone was too embarrassed to say. The head of government is clearly at the very least deluded and unable to function under the pressure. The worst is frightening to contemplate, for his party and the country...

Saturday 26 July 2008

Saturday 31 May 2008

Gordon thinks he can bring the oil price down.


Labour Polls The Lowest Since British Polling Began

The latest polls have Labour at the lowest ever recorded since polling began in 1943 and Gordon Brown is the most unpopular PM in history, he is polling worse than even Neil Kinnock or Michael Foot! How must it feel to be the most hated Prime Minister of all time?

SRJ likes to remind all those Labour lemmings, like Tom Watson, who plotted and worked to get Blair out and Brown in, that we told you so. So here is a reminder, again:

John Hutton didn't mince his words when he gave Nick Robinson his prediction. He was right.

Thursday 29 May 2008

Jonah Brown Calls for Lower Oil Prices

This lunchtime Gordon made his call for increased oil production by OPEC and North Sea Oil producers. How did the market react? Above is today's price chart, notice the move beginning just after Gordon's midday rant at the market.

You guessed it - oil rose over 4 bucks...

Saturday 24 May 2008

Gordon will take the dangerous lurch to the left

The Labour Left Looms

The hard left of the Labour Party reckons the answer to voter disenchantment is to abandon the centre and turn back to the bad bad old ways. The weak and manically deranged Gordon makes it more likely that lurch to the left will take place.

Paul Mason, Newsnight's editor, could barely contain his excitement last night reporting the prospect of a bruised Brown introducing higher taxes on high earners, windfall corporate taxes and the expected soon to be announced "equality agenda" - in other words leveling down.

This will be kamikaze left-wing stuff. Britain is already sliding down the economic competitiveness league, the Irish are welcoming FTSE 100 companies making the exodus
from HMRC's demands.

Manic Gordon will now be weighing up a shift leftwards, to shore up his position within the party, giving some red meat to the activists and pundits like Polly Toynbee. It will be a change of policy direction based entirely on self -preservation.

What a git we have in Gordon.

He could survive the party conference whatever the polls by promising a left-wing lurch...

Hopefully, not TOO long.

The game is up Gordon.

Gordon. Time to go.

It will not get any better for you Gordon.

A little break from Gordon!!!

No political comments here!

Nobody wants you to stay Gordon

What will it take for you to go Gordon?

Friday 23 May 2008

Gordon Can't Be the Change Voters Want

It was the worst night possible for Gordon. The election was directed by him, it used "tough on toffs" tactics approved by him and dog-whistle issues designed to get out the vote. It failed.

Failed spectacularly - Labour areas did not get out to vote they stayed at home, resulting in a 17% net swing to the Tories. What Guido would describe as the "Maguire Manifesto" was tried out in Crewe. Just as Kevin Maguire talks down to his Mirror readers about "Tory toffs" and tries to divide "them and us" on a class basis, Labour tried to motivate the core vote with an appeal that is just dated. Even if it was as they now claim an attempt to inject humour into the campaign, the time for potent class based politics is past, most people in the twenty-first century perceive themselves as middle class. Using the language and imagery of the Beano's Lord Snooty might appeal to kids, but voters know when they are being patronised. That strategy has now been tested to destruction against Boris and Timpson, it won't work against Cameron either. So what apppeal can Gordon offer voters?

The tipping pint is now past, Labour is tired and has run out of ideas and public support. There is nothing they can do in government to turn that around. Taking policies from their opponents won't work. Gordon is a big part of the problem, he can't be the face of the change the voters want. The choice facing Labour now is to lose a general election catastrophically under Gordon, or find a more appealing fresher face like Miliband, Purnell or Johnson and lose by a lesser margin. If they lose catastrophically the party could swing to the left after a general election to Cruddas or McDonnell - condemning them to decades of opposition.

The Labour Left is blaming New Labour policies and pushing for a leftward shift. The younger heirs to Blair know this, they may not want to take the helm now, however if they don't, the Labour Party might be finished off by the left-wing. Gordon is on course to destroy New Labour as an electoral force...

Thanks to guido for this contribution

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Will Friday bring out the men in suits?

SRJ has been asking around his Labour Party sources and picking up from other well known blogs ( Guido for one ). Nobody has any knowledge of a planned Milburn putsch - though one source said he would support one. The difficulty in a candidate getting 71 nominations from the PLP is irrelevant, the rules state that a challenge had to be in place in April for the party conference. Guido's Sage of the Handbook says it doesn't really matter about the rules. If a significant number of Labour MPs told Brown to go, he would have to go. If only people like Milburn, Clarke, Hoey or McDonnell say it, he can weather it.

The sage thought that if only a handful of members of the cabinet were to tell Brown to his face that he had to go for the sake of the party that would be that. Jack Straw would be the man deputised to do the job. Brown has been a disaster for the Labour Party, he can't be the change he promised, he is clearly physically and politically exhausted.
Will Jack be the one to put him out of his misery on Friday?

It just gets worse for Brown.

Gordon is more unpopular than any other leader, ever.

Monday 19 May 2008

Another U -Turn on tax maybe?

Crewe & Nantwich. Click above for Latest Betfair Odds.

Poor Gordon!!

What's Occuring?

Is Peter Hain positioning himself?

Sunday 18 May 2008

Where's Gordon's Courage and Leadership?

Whenever New Labour were in trouble Tony Blair would lead from the front, whatever you may say about him, he never feared to open the batting however sticky the wicket.

When New Labour were first elected Tony Blair risked campaigning during the Uxbridge by-election in May 1997. Blair led from the front even though the Tories were sure to hold the seat. Gordon, author of two books on courage, has ordered 80 ministers and SpAds to go to Crewe and Nantwich this weekend to campaign.
He however plans to stay well away chewing his nails.

Gordon avoids elections wherever possible, he chickened out of a contest with Blair for the leadership in 1994, he engineered a coronation unopposed for the party leadership in July 2007 and he bottled holding a mandate producing election in October 2007.
Nobody has cast a single vote for him to lead his party or his country.

Gordon is a truly pathetic figure, on Friday morning Labour will have to face up to their mistake. If they can't win Crewe, where they are testing to destruction the
"don't vote for a toff" approach - "tough on toffs, tough on the causes of toffs" - backed-up by illiberal knuckle dragging dog-whistle policies, they can't win nationally with Brown. Crewe is 165th on the list of Tory target seats... that should concentrate the minds of 164 Labour MPs...

(from Guido )

++What took you so long Laurence J? ++

Saturday 17 May 2008

+++Why is Gordon not going to Crewe & Nantwich?+++

a) because he is a coward,

b) because he is a coward,

c) because he is a coward,


d) because he is a coward.

Nasty, Nasty, Very Very Nasty!!

Is Gordon Nasty?

Thursday 15 May 2008

Is Gordon hiding from the headlines?

Tell us what you think Gordon is doing here?

--Click on Comments and leave your views --

By the way Gordon-

Just because you can't

see them doesn't mean
that they are not
out to get you.

Why would Tony moan about Gordon?

Daily Mail
12 May 2008

Many new waves to come!!

He hasn't paid yet.

Cowards rarely pay the price.

How many fronts does he have left?

Not the headline one expects
from the Observer.

The unelected PM seems to be in a spot of bother!

The start of a hundred
bad headlines.

Another helpful headline?

Time to go Gordon?
Or time to face the
British electorate.