Saturday 24 May 2008

Gordon will take the dangerous lurch to the left

The Labour Left Looms

The hard left of the Labour Party reckons the answer to voter disenchantment is to abandon the centre and turn back to the bad bad old ways. The weak and manically deranged Gordon makes it more likely that lurch to the left will take place.

Paul Mason, Newsnight's editor, could barely contain his excitement last night reporting the prospect of a bruised Brown introducing higher taxes on high earners, windfall corporate taxes and the expected soon to be announced "equality agenda" - in other words leveling down.

This will be kamikaze left-wing stuff. Britain is already sliding down the economic competitiveness league, the Irish are welcoming FTSE 100 companies making the exodus
from HMRC's demands.

Manic Gordon will now be weighing up a shift leftwards, to shore up his position within the party, giving some red meat to the activists and pundits like Polly Toynbee. It will be a change of policy direction based entirely on self -preservation.

What a git we have in Gordon.

He could survive the party conference whatever the polls by promising a left-wing lurch...

Hopefully, not TOO long.

The game is up Gordon.

Gordon. Time to go.

It will not get any better for you Gordon.

A little break from Gordon!!!

No political comments here!

Nobody wants you to stay Gordon

What will it take for you to go Gordon?