Sunday 18 May 2008

Where's Gordon's Courage and Leadership?

Whenever New Labour were in trouble Tony Blair would lead from the front, whatever you may say about him, he never feared to open the batting however sticky the wicket.

When New Labour were first elected Tony Blair risked campaigning during the Uxbridge by-election in May 1997. Blair led from the front even though the Tories were sure to hold the seat. Gordon, author of two books on courage, has ordered 80 ministers and SpAds to go to Crewe and Nantwich this weekend to campaign.
He however plans to stay well away chewing his nails.

Gordon avoids elections wherever possible, he chickened out of a contest with Blair for the leadership in 1994, he engineered a coronation unopposed for the party leadership in July 2007 and he bottled holding a mandate producing election in October 2007.
Nobody has cast a single vote for him to lead his party or his country.

Gordon is a truly pathetic figure, on Friday morning Labour will have to face up to their mistake. If they can't win Crewe, where they are testing to destruction the
"don't vote for a toff" approach - "tough on toffs, tough on the causes of toffs" - backed-up by illiberal knuckle dragging dog-whistle policies, they can't win nationally with Brown. Crewe is 165th on the list of Tory target seats... that should concentrate the minds of 164 Labour MPs...

(from Guido )

++What took you so long Laurence J? ++